Call your Rep: Green New Deal now!

Green New Deal Network
Call your Rep: Green New Deal now!

Our communities are facing an intersection of acute crises. Over the last year, millions of people have lost jobs, eviction filings have skyrocketed, and healthcare is still inaccessible — even in the middle of a deadly pandemic. Catastrophic climate events like the recent winter storms across the South exacerbate these economic and social issues, creating new environmental hazards that disproportionately impact Black, Indigenous, people of color.

But right now, we have a once-in-a-generation chance to change this country’s priorities in the fight to rebuild the economy. We have an opportunity to influence Congress and demand a recovery package that addresses these crises on ALL fronts by demanding that Congress support the THRIVE Act!

Will you call and ask your members of Congress to co-sponsor the THRIVE Act?

The THRIVE Act, produced by the Green New Deal Network, is a truly bold recovery package that invests 10 trillion dollars over 10 years in the infrastructure and people we need to meet the challenges of our time. THRIVE puts 15 million people to work in good, green jobs, cuts climate pollution in half by 2030, and advances racial, environmental, and economic justice.

Will you join us in holding Congress’s feet to the fire and demand a bold economic recovery plan that puts us first?

Just like the earth, Right To the City Alliance believes that where we live are not commodities to be exploited for profit, but precious resources that should be used to meet people’s needs. Environmental justice is essential to housing justice — that’s why we’re calling on everyone across the Alliance to take action for THRIVE!